Monday, September 10, 2012

One of the things that has been on my to-do list lately is writing a letter to our preschool families.  I helped to implement a reduced-toxin cleaning program and it is finally in place!  One more check in the box for this month :)

Here is my letter:

Dear Cooperative Preschool Families,

In an effort to do our part for the environment, the preschool board has chosen to implement a reduced-toxin cleaning program.  It is also our goal to make the school environment healthier for students, staff and parents. 
Indoor air pollution is linked to asthma and is the biggest cause of school absenteeism from chronic illness.  In addition, air pollution often contains cancer-causing particles.
In an attempt to improve the school’s indoor air quality, we have chosen to reduce the amount of chemicals our children encounter on a daily basis.  We also sought a product that would have less impact on our waterways and environment.  After extensive research into cleaning alternatives we have chosen Bio Green Clean as substitute for bleach and Lysol.  Bio Green Clean is a non-toxic, plant-based formula that is hypoallergenic, fragrance free and safe for skin and lungs.  Additionally, this solution was not tested on animals and is biodegradable.
Various solutions of Bio Green Clean will be used throughout the preschool for a myriad of jobs.  Suggested uses, recipes for solutions and additional information about the product will be available in a binder at the school.
If you are interested in pursuing a reduced-toxin environment in your home or are curious about the product we have chosen, information about Bio Green Clean can be found here:

We are looking forward to a healthier school year!

Happy reduced-toxin cleaning to everyone!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mom's 31st

Today we took the Pinheads to the lake to have a bit of water fun.  Summer has gone so fast and we haven't had much good family time.  PinDad is working a ton and we are all spread pretty thin.  Tomorrow is my 31st birthday and PinDad is heading out for training for a couple of weeks which leaves me to party hardy with the Pinheads.

Time seems even more precious lately than it usually does.  It hits me everyday how fast the Pinheads are growing-up faster than I would like.  Each day I am forced to accept how tall they are, how much they have learned and how independent they are becoming.  Life has been so hectic lately that I haven't slowed down to appreciate them as much as I would like to.  I am trying hard to eliminate distractions in my life so I don't feel so hectic all of the time.

Today we slowed down :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pin #2- Calv's Salve

This week's pin is short.   I ended up making a meal for one of our co-op preschool's families so that cut into my pin-producing time.   However, this pin was really important.   Pinhead #2 (The Calvinator) developed some serious skin issues during Christmas break- virtually overnight.  I was worried he ate something he was allergic to because he had red, rough, dry patches all over his little body.  I made a doctor's appointment and sure enough (just as I suspected) he said it was eczema.   A total catch all for skin problems.  He gave me some hydrocortisone cream and super thick petroleum based lotion (UGH!!!) and told me to lube him up 4-5 times a day.

  Yuck...I try really hard to keep chemicals out of my house and off of our skin and the only solution for my sweet baby's skin is petroleum?  UNACCEPTABLE!   Right around the same time this was happening good ol' Pinterest brought me a "how to make your own winter hand salve" from a sonoma garden.  SAAAWEET!  The answer I was searching for :)   So off I went to order some shea butter, mango butter, grape seed oil (instead of avacado oil), vitamin E oil (a bottle is much cheaper than the capsules and is used as the preservative) and some essential oils to add a little sent.   I chose sweet orange oil and patchouli for Calv's Salve.
I used the instructions (minus one step) from a sonoma garden but made a triple batch because I wanted to have some for myself.  I also chose grapeseed oil because it is a good skin moisturizer without clogging pores.
 For the whipping step I chilled my mixing bowl in the fridge while I melted the butter down.  Once it was melted I poured it into my mixing bowl and chilled it for about 15 more minutes.  Then I whipped it on high with my mixer for about 7 minutes (this is when I added my essential oils).
It literally goes on like butter and rubs in smells like heaven too!   I feel so much better about putting this on his skin and it only took a few minutes to make.  We have officially converted to non-store bought lotion!


Monday, January 2, 2012

Pin #1- Organized Chaos

Organization...I crave it.  I used to be quasi organized; MOST things had a place. I wasn't obsessed about it but I liked to know where I could find something (and still do).   Ever since the Pinheads showed up my life has gotten progressively less organized with each one.   No mater how hard I tried there was always a pile of stuff here and a pile of stuff there.  Get rid of one pile and *poof* there was another pile.  I have come to find how much I hate being disorganized and having piles of stuff but with my Pinheads running around (AHEM-especially the Calvinator; Pinhead #2) my house looks like tornado alley even if I just cleaned.

Enter my New Years Resolution.  I am not normally one to resolve for my upcoming year but organization is a part of my life that I really want to take back.   I have decided that I have to settle for organized chaos; I think that is the best it will get for a few years.

It all started with this pin:  Mail Center courtesey of The Nest Effect. It's brilliant and one of those things that I can't believe I have never thought of before.   How many of you check the mail, leave half of it in the car and then string it across three different counters and a desk in your house?   I DO!!!   It's horrible and it drives my Hubs and me NUTS.   Sometimes I would be in my right mind or have a nano second to sort through it while cooking dinner but generally it would turn into a PILE until I sat down to pay bills.   So I bought some ugly hanging folders and *girlified* them (as my Hubs) referred to it.  I took some Modge Podge (one of the must haves for a crafter- infinite possibilities with this miracle glue) and cut some scrapbooking paper down to size and voila!- non-ugly hanging folders.  I then bought a little metal folder basket from Target to store them in.  I chose metal because I intend to use magnets to stick little reminders to it.
The categories I have so far are:
School Paperwork
Mommy Paperwork
Daddy Paperwork
1st of the Month Bills
15th of the Month Bills
Outgoing Mail
I plan to add another folder for coupons so that I have a place to stick them as they filter in.

 Another brilliant idea I nabbed from The Nest Effect was a Home Management Binder. She was enough nice enough to offer some free printables so it kicked this project off on the right foot. The binder fits nicely in my mail center behind my hanging folders. I still have some categories to go but I need to make up some more printables. The categories I have so far are working out great:
To-do's: crafting, organizing and family fun (I was excited to see the Hubs had added a few suggestions to this list)
Wish Lists:  Everyone has their own so that I can jot down something we need or gift requests when one of the kids mentions something.
Loan Repayment Tracking:  Even though it's easy to log on to see where you stand on your auto loans or mortgage, it's also great to have it all in one spot.
Weekly Menu
My Baby journal also now lives in the mail center so that it is handy when one of the Pinheads says or does something funny.
I have been doing other little things around the house to slowly gain control again.   Most of these things won't seem too exciting to a lot of people but these bunny hops are starting to make a world difference.
1.  I re-organized our coat closet after I found our shoe rack in our permanently unpacked boxes.   I put a basket on the closet floor for little shoes so that my Pinheads have a place to toss their shoes instead of on the floor.
2.  I bought a label maker-I scored it for $10 so it was an awesome purchase (after debating about it; we are trying really hard not to bring extra *junk* into the house anymore).     I am really glad I did, it has turned the Pinhead's closets into something besides a guessing game.   I would always hang or put things in different places than the Hubs so it created frustration when we were trying to get them dressed.  Not to mention my oldest Pinhead plays in his clothes- GRRRR and I would be justified in just throwing them in a heap on the floor.   He is learning how to identify which words start with which letter & sound so his labels were made accordingly for his dresser drawers; ie: "P" is for Pajamas- he was pretty excited about the new system.
3.  I weeded out clothes that Pinhead 1 & 2 didn't really wear that much but I was just stashing for no particular reason.  Neither of  them would wear feetie pajamas so I figured the 3rd Pinhead could do without as well-it freed up half of a plastic tub to store other clothes in.
4.  I collected everybody's socks into one basket and spent an hour mating them.  I threw a whole heap of *the sock monster stole the other one* socks in the trash- that freed up a drawer in the baby's dresser.

5.  I collected all of the coloring books, crayons, markers, stamps, puzzles and small games and put them into a basket/ tub so they had a central place to be stored.  They now have a home on the bookcase in my craft room.
6.  I try really hard to put something in it's actual home instead of just putting it somewhere else.   I am doing pretty good with it so far.

My next mission is to get a bookshelf and square canvas totes to organize toys- AGAIN!  Bunny hops right?

One of the best things I read when surfing organization ideas (although I don't remember where I read it) was to make it work for you.  If you wont walk in and put your keys on a key rack, put a bowl on the counter where you typically toss them. I knew my Pinheads would never put their shoes neatly on the shoe rack but the basket made a world of difference anyway.  Organization can be done, even with Pinheads running around.   I hope this inspires you to try too!

Happy organizing!


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Little Pins Dancing in my Head

It's extra exciting for Christmas to be here now that our oldest boy knows what's going on.   I also can't wait for Christmas to be over.   Not in a bah-humbug sort of way;   in a I've been laying awake thinking of pins kind of way.   That's it.   Little pins have been dancing in my head.   I guess that makes me a Pinhead too.

Merry Christmas everyone!   Looking forward to showing you my first pin in the New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Hate to Love Pinterest.

I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest.   I hate to love it.  It owns me.   I can spend countless valuable hours pinning all the beautiful things I see and projects I want to tackle.  

Enter this blog... 

It dawned on me that I was spending way too much time pinning and not actually tackling any of the projects I had pinned.   As I was pinning at 2 a.m. when I should have been in bed because my three little Pinheads wake up WAY too early, I made an oath.  An oath to achieve the next not just be a pinner but be a pin doer. 

So here we go, 52 pins; one for each week of 2012.    All of my creations and project ideas will be born from Pinterest.   It's fun to take all the wonderful crafting designs and crumple them up into a ball, roll them around and make them your own.   Sometimes my Pinheads will help me.  Most  times my handiwork will be for the Pinheads...mostly to preserve their first few Pinheaded years.

Ready, set, create!   I am excited to have 52 beautiful things to show for 2012....